Our company is a limited partnership owned by local growers. The gin plant project was conceived in 2004 after a group of future-sighted cotton producers realized the need for a local cotton gin to service the increasing acreages of cotton being planted in the northern Texas panhandle area. The late Mr. Doug Nix, of the Dumas area, was dynamically involved in the initial organization of the partnership and actively supervised the construction and start-up operations of Carson County Gin. Through his foresight and dedication, the gin began operations in the fall of 2004, a short seven months after ground-breaking.
The gin plant is capable of ginning 60 bales an hour, using state of the art equipment. Our qualified staff continually strives to increase productivity while preserving the quality of our customer's cotton. To that end, several improvements in machinery have been made, ensuring that we can accomplish our goal of increasing our grower's quality and yields.